The Right Foundation: A Roadmap to Preventing Workplace Violence




皇家88娱乐的许多新企业客户使用皇家88娱乐的威胁和暴力风险管理(trvrm)服务,他们没有意识到美国政府正在采取行动.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Act of 1970 General Duty Clause 要求雇主保持"一个没有造成或可能造成死亡或严重人身伤害的公认危险的工作场所",直接关系到他们采取系统方法预防工作场所暴力的责任.

一旦皇家88娱乐讨论了如何应用,他们的下一个问题通常是,“好吧,皇家88娱乐怎么做呢?” The following are seven steps our TVRM团队 统称为防止工作场所暴力的“路线图”——确保贵国人民安全和保障的系统方法, 资产及声誉.

步骤1. Conduct a Needs Assessment

规划是第一位的. 一个成功的 workplace violence prevention (WVP) program 需要对组织的内部环境有基本的了解, including current strengths, 功能, 以及支持发展或加强综合性工作场所暴力预防项目的资源. This “needs assessment” should examine existing policies in critical areas, 比如入职, 就业筛选, 隐私, 合规, and issue resolution and escalation. 它有助于确定改进的差距和机会,并指导执行, 特别是关于基本职能和部门,如安全, HR, 操作, 法律, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and line management.

一步 2. 调查你的员工

第二个关键的计划步骤是评估员工对世界粮食计划署相关问题的关注和保留, such as workplace security, 的影响 domestic violence on the workplace,主动攻击风险,并报告同事表现出的危险信号或行为. Other issues are important as well, such as perceptions about 隐私, 监控, and the handling of concerns and complaints. 皇家88娱乐使用匿名调查来改善信息共享,并在工作场所关注的领域中培养意识. 调查结果将有助于制定您的安全目标并为政策制定提供信息, 员工培训, internal awareness and selection of suitable external partners (e.g.(心理健康).

一步 3. Conduct a Physical and Technical Security Assessment

接下来,您需要全面了解工作环境的物理安全性. Safety comes from physical and technical security. Review physical security measures, 包括周边, gate and parking configuration, 景观, 户外照明, 锁和钥匙, and physical security policies. Also needed is a review of technical security, including access control, 访客管理, intrusion detection and video surveillance, 恐慌警报, and emergency alert notification. 越来越多地, 限制系统脆弱性的网络政策和实践有助于提高安全性并降低风险.

一步 4. Develop Policies and a Formal Workplace Violence Prevention Program

At this point in the process, 你的团队将利用从步骤1到步骤3得出的结果来创建将形成你的预防计划的核心要素. This program needs to provide clear, actionable guidance on core operational policies, 实践, 合规, 隐私, 报告, incident tracking and liaison with local first responders. 皇家88账户注册些政策是安全文化的基础,应该确定期望, organizational goals and vision to ensure safety and reduce risk of harm.

一步 5. Create and Train a Threat Assessment Team (TAT)

你的新兴项目策略和计划的核心应该是建立一个跨职能的团队, multidisciplinary threat management team. 许多大型雇主建立了内部威胁评估团队,由不同的专家组成, including personnel from security, 人力资源和法律. Others outsource threat assessment to experts like our team. TAT的其他利益攸关方和特设成员包括心理健康方面的专家和情境顾问, 执法, 法医心理学, and behavioral threat assessment and management. 您的TAT构建应包括建立用于评估的激活协议, 管理, and documenting threat cases related to reported concerns and incidents, 与步骤4一致.

一步 6. Deploy 培训 and Build Awareness

你的以预防为导向的WVP计划的“眼睛和耳朵”是你的员工,应该包括任何供应商, 第三方人员, or advisors present at any frequency in your workplace. 您需要教育并告知组织各个层次的涉众. 加强你的工作场所暴力预防计划的最好方法是通过持续的, 面对面的培训, 或者在整个组织中建立意识并激发行动和责任的交互式电子学习. 皇家88娱乐特别强调为以下三个受众群体设计定制的培训课程:(1)经理和主管, (2) all employees and (3) TAT members.

一步 7: Establish a Capacity to Quickly Engage Advanced Support

Even if you build an in-house threat assessment team, 有时候你可能需要专家的高级专业知识——尤其是法医心理学家. These experts provide unique services. 其中一种服务是针对违反工作场所暴力预防政策的个人进行直接暴力风险评估, exhibited concerning or aggressive behavior, or raised concerns reported by supervisors or others. Another service is an Indirect Threat Assessment, 哪一种服务与第一种服务类似,但不需要与受试者直接面谈.

法医心理学家还进行“适合工作评估”,以评估特定员工执行基本工作要求的能力. 皇家88账户注册通常是由工作中的一些行为或行为引起的,皇家88账户注册些行为或行为使员工的表现受到质疑. 皇家88账户注册三种服务都能让您的团队深入了解有关工作场所安全的关键决策.


皇家88账户注册七个基本步骤是制定任何工作场所暴力计划的必要步骤, 各个皇家88娱乐, 皇家88娱乐, geographies and many organizational characteristics. Prevention is about focus and quickly identifying, 评估和干预,当报告的个人或团体的行动显示出暴力的可能性.

Jensen Hughes can assist you with establishing a workplace violence prevention program that can help save lives, 减少责任, 最大限度地减少运营中断,提高所有办公室和运营部门的员工福利.

黛布拉K的大头照. 科比


黛布拉K. 科比
Debra brings command experience in patrol operations, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法 training, 政策发展, 以数据为导向的警务和内部事务,重点关注廉正系统, 秘密行动和需要强有力的问责做法,以支持优先行动.
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