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Manifattura Tabacchi, which translates to ‘Tobacco Factory,’ was inaugurated in 1940 to manufacture tobacco products. This industrial factory embodies the historical evolution of tobacco use, culminating in the creation of the famous ‘Tuscan’ cigar. Its significance extends beyond manufacturing, playing a pivotal role in Florence's economy, urban development, and socio-economic landscape. 该项目的复兴旨在将皇家88账户注册个工业工厂转变为一个充满活力的文化创意中心. This district will complement the historic city centre, 欢迎当地人和游客一样,作为一个现代迷人的城市名称.

The master plan envisions a multifunctional blend, 整合原有建筑和新建建筑,以容纳教育机构, 研讨会, laboratories, 办公室, co-working spaces, studio apartments, residences, 一个酒店, student housing, and even a brewery. The formerly sealed factory gates will now open, removing barriers to make the complex accessible to the city and the world, fostering a 24/7 hub of activity. This initiative seeks to repurpose a 110,000-square-meter brownfield site into a vibrant, sustainable hub for culture, 教育, 旅游, and contemporary craftsmanship. It features a dynamic covered square for year-round use, including a food hall, unique shops, co-working spaces, 剧院, 和更多的, emphasizing craftsmanship while blending tradition with technology.

皇家88娱乐的工程师团队为多个建筑提供了各种服务, such as fire and life safety projects, code compliance consultancy, and fire modelling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

For Fire and Life safety projects, 皇家88娱乐的团队开发了解决方案,以满足客户的需求,并获得消防队的认可. We set up specific projects for entire buildings, such as buildings 4, 5, and 11 (办公室 and commercial retail activities), 根据意大利标准并考虑到不同租户的存在,提供具体的解决方案. 4号楼和5号楼相似,因为它们各有三层和一层地下室:地下室用于技术和系统室, 底层用于零售活动,其他楼层是办公室. 11号楼专门用于展览和零售活动,它由两层组成:第二层还有一个露天露台,与4号楼和5号楼有一些共同的路径.

The projects presented several challenging characteristics. 首先, they involved multi-tenant activities, prompting the design of strategies to manage people during emergencies. 皇家88账户注册包括对个别建筑和整个建筑群实施应急计划. 其次, 皇家88账户注册些建筑的历史特点使皇家88娱乐必须考虑保留原有的布局. 为了解决皇家88账户注册一问题,建筑师采取了一些措施,比如为逃生路线安装外部楼梯,并在建筑物之间建立联系.

在设计排烟系统的同时,皇家88娱乐还进行了CFD建模. CFD是针对地下停车场进行的也就是B停车场," situated within an area undergoing building renovation, encompassing a former tobacco factory complex. This garage spans four subterranean levels, descending 12 meters below the designated reference point, corresponding to road level. As part of the project scope, 皇家88娱乐精心设计了烟雾控制系统,以确保高度安全,并符合监管标准, specifically Ministerial Decree 18.10.2019 (RTO) and Ministerial Decree 15.05.2020.

本项目纳入场地改造整体防火计划. 排烟通风系统设计遵循欧洲标准BS 7346-7, 有盖停车场的烟雾和热量控制系统指南. 设计的主要目标是确保居住者向建筑出口的安全疏散路线,同时为救援人员提供有利的条件. 该方法作为PR CEN/TS 12101-11中概述的技术规范的替代和等效方法, which focuses on smoke control in covered vehicle parks. It's worth noting that at the time of analysis, 后一种标准尚未确立为统一的欧洲标准.

通过CFD分析,确定了从停车场提取所需的容积气流率. 该分析考虑了烟雾与新鲜空气的混合,并考虑了停车场附近的潜在障碍物. To simulate the dispersion of smoke and heat, the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) software was employed.

Tabacchi的再开发强调了可持续性和保护, minimizing demolitions, and following energy-efficient practices. 它成功地成为一个开放的、可到达的空间,公共交通工具很容易到达. 皇家88娱乐的团队为该项目做出了贡献,为地下停车场进行了CFD建模,并设计了排烟系统,该停车场位于一个改造过的地区,包括一个前烟草工厂综合体, 确保符合监管标准,同时遵守欧洲的烟雾和热量控制系统标准. 遵守规范确保了安全的疏散路线,并为救援人员提供了有利的条件.

皇家88娱乐的专家在创造一个融合传统与技术的空间方面发挥了重要作用, contributing to the revitalization of Florence's cityscape.

Project Details

Project Owner

Manifattura Tabacchi Development Management Srl


Manifattura Tabacchi Development Management Srl

Project Location

Florence, 意大利

Estimated Project Cost

350m €



Project Size

110.000 sq. master plan

Commercial + Mixed Use

Featured 专家

MS, Fire Safety Engineering, BS, Building Engineering

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Mathematical Engineering

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Forensic Engineering, CFPA 欧洲 Examination in Fire Safety, Specialization in Fire Prevention, Architecture

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